Today I had the day off. Lucky, Tay and Shelby did too!! We had a very strict schedule that consisted of not sleeping in at all, running a quick errand, eating some good samiches, sitting by the pool allllllllllll day, and then meeting the newest little member to my family.
Shelby's parents have the best best pool ever. It's fun, it's huge, and it's secluded. It's like escaping the real world, and being in paradise for a few hours. We even had the pool man (Shelby's dad) offer us some cheese crips'!
*Don't worry, no 16 year old boys were invited, this picture was taken a year ago, just so you understand how amazing it really is*
After our great samiches, a few hours of laying by the pool and one dead camera battery later, this is what we ended up with.
It's ok if you wanna judge us. Go right ahead.
This picture pretty much summed up the day. A. Mazing.
Or maybe it hurts because it's like looking in a mirror. Even my lips got sun burnt!
It was all worth it, obviously, because I knew after all the pain there would be three things waiting for me: A tan after the burn fades, baby Porter, and baby Preston. Let's be honest, my family knows how to make cute babies. Just check them out here, here, here, and here, just to name a few. Aren't they all the cutest?! Well baby Porter and I haven't had a meeting or some snuggle time ever, so today was the day! and I. Love. Him. Paige, can I please just keep him forever?!
All in all it was an amazing day off.
-Being too distracted by your stomach you almost forgot to invite Taylor to Lunch
-Then, getting off the freeway because said stomach was acting so hungry
-Being too cool for sun screen
-When Taylor's rare Maui Babe tanning lotion slightly exploded. It's exclusive to Hawaii.... or little boutiques in Colorado. Random?
-Sweating to death right now from being so stinking sun burnt!
-Drinking a few too many Coke Zero's, and eating chips and chocolate while in your tanning attire. Terrible idea.
-Denying the cheese crisp... Oh it sounds so good right now!
-Not having Preston or Porter living at my house
Disasters Avoided:
-Being hungry after our samiches
-Not getting enough sun
-Feeling terrible about your body as you double fist the bag of chips
-A successful meeting of Porter, and some amazing family time. (I MISS YOU GUYS!)
-My hands still smell like a new baby
-Really classy pictures...? What?
How do you spend your day's off? I hope they are just like mine!
*Sorry about the overload of poor quality iPhone photos... (that's what people say who have really nice cameras so I found it totally appro. Let's be honest, my iPhone is probably better then either of our real camera's)*
lovin' the daybook bun
I LOVE MAUI BABE!!!!! It is seriously my secret weapon. It's the only tanning lotion that will actually make me tan.
I'm pretty jealous of this fun day.
I spent the day getting my teeth ripped out :(
Such a great day! Good bye summer :( At least we will be the tannest girls for fall!
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