Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Heart Skips a Beat

Nothing makes this mommas heart sing more then knowing what her baby wants. After a vacation weekend, a day from hell, and a night that wasn't much better, I am happy to know he's going back to the "schedule" he set for himself. And who doesn't love seeing that balding ring around his head?? I have so much to update on the blog, but after yesterday's tragedy I've stopped to cuddle this boy, and rock him a little longer because I've only got him for 18 years. Momma loves you big guy, feel free to stay little forever.


Nicole said...

You're looking great, Kens! Enjoy those baby snuggles!

Mommy said...

you are a beautiful mom! Wishing grant would stay smaller!

Melissa said...

Enjoy all those snuggles!! Baby snuggles are the best!

his little lady said...

Aw, what a little cutie!! Baby crazy for sure ;)
xo TJ