Monday, July 15, 2013

5 Months and On Time

Today my sweet baby is five months old. FIVE MONTHS OLD. Sorry, that was just for me. Have I mentioned before how these posts make me cringe? There’s nothing I hate more than being cliché, and I feel sense being a mother I am nothing but cliché. How cliché is that? I mean really. Anyway, Here’s the latest on this sweet baby guy.
-Pretty much everything from the last month post still applies.
-Not much has changed, you rolled over 3/4 of the way from your back to your side today, but for the most part you just like to hang out in one place, and I am totally ok with that.
-We’ve really got ourselves on a good schedule. You like to sleep in (for now, THANK YOU!) I can put you back to sleep if you wake up before 8 am. Once you are up, you are up for two hours, and then nap for 1-2 hours. You keep that up all day, and eat every 3-4 hours. I try to feed you between 4-4:30, and then nap until 5:30-6, bath/rice cereal at 7:30 and bed at 8. MOST nights it works very well. It really depends on how late you go down for that nap around 4.
-You really like bananas, and peaches. I don’t know what the heck I’m doing in the parenting department so you have started real baby food a month early. (I can feel everyone rolling their eyes at me right now).
-You’ve really found those feet. They are your preferred toy out of everything!
-You were sick for the first time. You had a temperature of 101, and I was a basket case, to put it lightly. Honestly, it was the worst week of my life. Day one, throwing up, short naps, all you wanted to do was sleep, so I was lucky enough to rock you to sleep a lot that day. That night was your sad case of a fever, and surprisingly you slept pretty good. Day 2, pure and utter hell. screaming non stop. I mean SCREAMING for hours straight, then a nap, and then screaming again. To top things better, you went to bed around 9, gave me enough time to eat my dinner, and then through up all over you/your bed. We tried to watch TV until you were sleepy again, but ended up crying at each other on the couch. Every time you started to cry, I cried harder. It was the hardest day in my life. I eventually put you in your swing and let you cry it out until you fell asleep around 12:30. Day 3, better, but not stellar. At 4pm I was calling the pediatrician about a mysterious black spot on your tongue. Obvi they wanted to see you and had no appointments and we were told to go to Twilight pediatrics, their after hours doctor. We waited it out until dad got home, and the spot disappeared, and decided it wasn’t necessary because you were pretty much back to normal. The next day you had a dark spot on your face and turns out it was a brown fuzzy from one of your blankets that you love to suck on. My guess is that was what was on your tongue the day before. Wow, so much for a bulleted list.
-We celebrated the 4th of July, and you spent pretty much the entire day in the pool. That is one of your favorite places after all. And as a bonus, your Aunt Shelley let you have some of her popsicle! It was a party all around!
-You no longer sleep in your crib, nor do you sleep through the night. You were waking up 1-2 times a night and it was a pain in the butt for me to get up and walk across the entire house to feed you. And the sound kept turning off on the video monitor in the night. I woke up a few mornings to you crying in your crib and I only knew because I looked at the monitor, not because I could hear you, SORRY!
-You are a big hit at Costco. People just love you there! (I sure don’t blame them)
-One of your favorite things to do is lay in bed with a blanket over your face. you purposely put it there, and then once it’s in place you kick like crazy, pull it off and smile. You do this repeatedly and if it weren’t for me ruining your fun you would never stop. Needless to say, I HATE it.
-Everyday you get cuter, and steal my heart even more, and I know your dad feels the same way.
It really is so fun to watch you grow and play, and even more fun to watch you interact with us. I can’t give you enough kisses, and I can’t squeeze those chubby thighs of yours enough. You are simply my favorite baby guy, and mommy can’t love you enough.
(Ok did you just die with all the cliché-ness? I sorta did)


Jenna said...

Listen does the blanket thing too! Weird babies.

Nixon sure is a cutie :)

Nicole said...

Man, he is a cute kid! Sorry about the sick day; sounds awful! Glad to hear he is doing better. Love the pic of the three naked chubby babies together. Adorable!